Mt. Nebo Pointe Marketing
Client’s Challenge
Mt. Nebo Pointe is a 103,000 square foot power center in suburban Pittsburgh, well-maintained but located at the top of a hill with little street visibility. Although Mt. Nebo has major big-box stores and a vibrant mix of national and local tenants, there were several sizeable vacancies. The client wanted to increase awareness of the center in the community, bring in more potential shoppers, and create a feeling of energy and activity that would appeal to potential tenants. He appealed to KeyPoint Partners (KPP) to plan and execute family and community-oriented events at the center, beginning with a high-profile event scheduled for the Saturday before Easter – a matter of weeks from the initial request.
KeyPoint Partners’ Response
Within days, KPP’s Marketing Team, working closely with the Property Management Team, launched a robust, multi-faceted marketing program using traditional and online media, and involving community and charity organizations, town government, and center merchants. KPP created a website, Facebook page, and media advertising campaign, and organized Spring Festival, which included photos with the Easter bunny; Easter bag decoration; egg collecting from stores; face painting; balloon twisters; touch-a-truck (from the local fire department); live bunnies to pet or adopt; and on-site broadcasts on local radio.
Nearly 1,000 visitors came to the center for this first in a series of successful events (movie nights, a car show, Halloween and holiday events) that have enhanced the profile of Mt. Nebo in the community. Several new tenants have joined the center, and the largest vacancy has been filled. KPP provided property management and marketing services to Mt. Nebo Pointe and other properties for the same client.
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